


The Wealth Effects of Repurchases between Stockholders and Bondholders




林育志(Lu-Ke Lin);藍麗惠(Li-Luei Lan);郭照榮(Chau-Jung Kuo)


庫藏股 ; 事件研究 ; 公司債 ; stock repurchase ; event study ; corporate bond




8卷1期(2008 / 02 / 01)


95 - 120






In theory, we used to seen that the task of manager's financial decisions is to maximize firm value, and it is equal to maximize stock value. However, we assert this phrase under a restrictive set of conditions. This study analyzes abnormal bond, stock, and firm returns around repurchase announcements in Taiwan. We find the excess bond return is statistically significant, and forms the change of firm value is not the same as stock value. We also find evidence inconsistent with both signaling and wealth redistribution in the firm with stock and bond returns. Particularly, prior research has documented positive abnormal stock returns around the announcement of repurchase program. Once we just observe the firm with stock and bond returns, it appears a myth we never seen before with negative abnormal stock returns and positive abnormal bond returns. It shows the importance of bond return to assess financial decisions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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