


The Exploration of Perceived Value, Relationship Quality, and Loyalty Stage




吳立偉(Li-Wei Wu);張國雄(Kuo-Hsiung Chang);鍾沛蔓(Pei-Man Chung)


忠誠階段 ; 認知價值 ; 關係品質 ; 滿意度 ; 信任 ; 承諾 ; loyalty stage ; perceived value ; relationship quality ; satisfaction ; trust ; commitment




11卷1期(2011 / 02 / 01)


1 - 28






Gaining a higher level of loyalty is less straightforward and more complex than one would expect. In fact, the different stages of loyalty do not emerge simultaneously; rather, they are developed consecutively over time. According to the loyalty model pioneered by Oliver (1999), customers can be loyal at each of four consecutive stages of loyalty (i.e., cognitive, affective, conative, and action), and that each of these stages relates to different elements of the relationship structure. In this study, perceived value and relationship quality are incorporated to structure the model of loyalty and to clarify the internal processes of the customers that lead them to obtain higher-level long-term loyalty relationships with a service provider. The findings reveal that in the development of loyalty, the cognitive-affective-conative-action sequence is significant. The findings also provide support for the positive effects of perceived value on satisfaction, of satisfaction on trust, and of trust on commitment. In addition, perceived value, satisfaction, trust, and commitment are found to be the antecedents of the four stages of loyalty. Finally, this study underlines the importance of striking the right balance between economic and relationship resources when designing service programs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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