


A Study of Going-Concern Modified Audit Opinion: Auditor Changes and Audit Opinion Shopping




黃劭彥(Shaio-Yan Huang);邱安安(An-An Chiu);王子揚(Tzu-Yang Wang)


繼續經營疑慮修正式無保留意見 ; 會計師更換 ; 審計意見購買 ; going-concern modified audit opinion ; auditor changes ; audit opinion shopping




12卷1期(2012 / 02 / 01)


47 - 67






The paper examines auditor changes by companies that received the first-time going-concern modified audit opinion after Statement on Auditing Standards No. 33 issued in Taiwan. The empirical results show that companies first time receive a going-concern modified opinion they will make the auditor changes decisions. In addition, we also found that switching behavior was not significantly associated with the removal of the going-concern modification in the following year, after controlling for other factors. These results are consistent with the position that financially stressed companies which switch auditors are not successful in ”audit opinion shopping.”

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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