


How Board Gender Diversity Affects Auditor Industry Expertise Selection: Evidence From Taiwanese Medical Foundations




林江亮(Chiang-Liang Lin);李姵儀(Pei Yi Li);王國華(Kuo-Hua Wang);黃朝信(Chao-Hsin Huang)


醫療財團法人 ; 董事會性別多元化 ; 產業專家會計師 ; medical foundations ; board gender diversity ; auditor industry expertise




20卷2期(2020 / 08 / 01)


1 - 23






This paper examines whether board gender diversity affects the selection of auditor industry expertise in medical foundations. The empirical results show that female director ratios do not have a significant effect on the choice of auditor industry expertise. However we find out that female director ratios are nonlinearly (inverted U-shape) related to the selection of auditor industry expertise. That is, medical foundations with higher female director ratios, in the premise of not more than one-third, are more likely to choose auditor industry expertise compared to their peers. These findings provide an incremental contribution to the literature on board gender diversity and selection of auditor industry expertise.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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