


The Relationship Between Quality of Financial Statement and Key Audit Matters




黃劭彥(Shaio-Yan Huang);林琦珍(Chi-Chen Lin);黃郁婷(Yu-Ting Huang);陳皓宇(Hao-Yu Chen)


財務報表品質 ; 關鍵查核事項 ; 會計師行為 ; quality of financial report ; key audit matters ; accountant behavior




23卷1期(2023 / 02 / 01)


25 - 49






Many previous studies have pointed out that differences in the quality of company financial reports will affect accountants' decision to adopt different types, or to add additional verification procedures, and to issue amended unqualified or qualified opinions. However, it is relatively difficult to examine this type of review report with traditional standards. Information; with the use of Auditing Standard No. 58, this study will examine whether the quality of financial reports will affect the accountant's decision on the audit procedures and the amount of information disclosed in key audit items. The empirical results show that if companies prefer to engage in profit-up manipulation, accountants will reveal more key audit items to enhance the information content.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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