
Impact of Different Household Fuel Use on Source Apportionment Results of House-Indoor RPM in Central India


Shamsh Pervez;Neha Dubey;John G. Watson;Judith Chow;Yasmeen Pervez


Source apportionment ; Indoor air ; Respirable particulate matter ; Household fuel


Aerosol and Air Quality Research


12卷1期(2012 / 02 / 01)


49 - 60




Conventional character of household fuel use in India showed significant impact on residential-indoor air quality and consequently deteriorating personal air quality of inhabitants. Multi-complexity in location and type of industrial units along with haphazard traffic system are some of the major challenges in resolving relative source contribution with higher significance, especially in case of indoor and personal level air quality. On the basis of questionnaire survey that include daily activity pattern with use of household cooking fuel by local residents, three fuel categories identified: 1) Use of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) stove, 2) Use of kerosene stoves and electric stoves and 3) Conventional stoves using coke and cow dung cakes. In many of middle class residents, kitchen cooking is depending on all three categorized fuels. A longitudinal measurements of respirable particulate matter (RPM) in residential-indoors, ambient-outdoors of selected source sites and local-outdoor of road-traffic junctions have been monitored during October-December 2009. Sampling frequency was ten (twice in a week). Chemical Mass Balance (CMB8) was executed using source-routes and indoor-receptor compositional profiles. Results have shown significant variation in relative contributions of outdoor sources with potential impact of household fuel emission on source contributions of indoor RPM. Results also explained extent of contribution from roadtraffic emissions, local soils and major industrial complex to indoor RPM levels.RELEVANCE: The study is the part of comprehensive assessment of source apportionment of particulate matter at ambient, indoor, personal and surface levels in urban-industrial environment of central India using. 21 chemical species have been analyzed using standard reported protocol of ICP-AES and ion-chromatograph. Source apportionment has been conducted using two methods: Preliminary- linear regression, then using CMB8.

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程