


The Verification of A Writing Process Model-IntegratedReading and Composition




陳鳳如(Feng-Ru Chen):郭生玉(Sheng-Yu Kuo)


閱讀與寫作整合的寫作歷程模式 ; 寫作者內部的讀者角色功能 ; 寫作者角色功能 ; 寫作情意反應 ; 寫作表現 ; A Writing Process Model-Integrated Reading and Composition ; reader-role function ; writer-role function ; affective reaction ; writing performance




45卷1期(2000 / 04 / 01)


1 - 18






The purposes of this study was to verify the goodness of fit between empirically observed data and the ”Writing Process Model-Integrated Reading and Composition” proposed by the researcher.The researcher proposed the ”Writing Process Model-Integrated Reading and Composition” which included the components of ” reader-role function”, ”writer-role function”, affective reaction, and writing performance and verify the goodness of fit of the ”Writing Process Model-Integrated Reading and Composition”. The participants were 270 eighth-grade students from three junior high schools in Taipei. The instruments were used in this study which include Reading Experience Inventory, Reading Strategy Inventory” Reading Comprehension Test, Self Awareness of Reading Strategy Inventory, Writing Strategy Inventory, Self-Awareness of Writing Strategy Inventory, Writing Affection Reaction Inventory, Writing Scale, and Creative Writing Scale. Data was analyzed by LISREL. The results indicated that the ”Writing Process Model-Integrated Reading and Composition” fitted the observed data well, either when overall or when internal structure model fit criteria was used.Based on the results, the researcher provided some suggestions and future studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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