


The Analysis of Teachers' Professional Growth in Gender Equity Education




洪久賢(Jeou-Shyan Horng)


性別教育 ; 兩性教育 ; 性別平等教育 ; 專業成長 ; 專業發展 ; gender education ; gender equity education ; professional growth ; professional development




46卷2期(2001 / 10 / 01)


213 - 231






The purpose of this study was to analyze the professional growth process of teachers in gender education through long-term in-service workshop. Twenty-five teachers totally completed the activity. In-depth interview, text analysis and class observation were used to understand the real condition of professional growth in implementing gender education. The collected data were analyzed by qualitative methods. The teachers performed great improvement in gender equity consciousness, reflective thinking, and implementation through attending the gender education professional growth workshop. The teachers reflected their consciousness in gender equity, and developed a gender- sensitive perspective to reveal unfair situations. The teachers could examine their instruction from the dimensions: content integration, knowledge construction, equity pedagogy and an empowering school culture. The effective strategies were: literature review and analysis, collaborative reflection, dialog, reflection journal writing, and the supportive community learning community.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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