


Faculty Commitment to University Extension Education-Toward a Theoretical Construct




杜娟娟(Jane Du)


大學教師 ; 推廣教育 ; 承諾 ; Faculty ; extension education ; commitment




47卷2期(2002 / 10 / 01)


143 - 158






The concept of commitment has been studied in many social contexts. However, only limited research has been done to test the concept of commitment as it relates to adult education and university extension. In this study, in-depth interviews with college and university faculty members have been undertaken in order to profile their experiences and beliefs regarding extension education. Our findings reveal that faculty must deal with role conflicts, peer pressure, challenges and difficulties when they participate in extension education. Based on the results, four perspectives explaining the key factors affecting faculty commitment to university extension are identified: structural commitment, personal commitment, competence and career stage. Moreover, the present study also demonstrates a distinction between relative work value and absolute work value, a fruitful area for further studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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