


The Study of Interactive Behavior and Attitudes in the Web-based Teacher's Professional Development Platform




劉淑芳(Shu-Fang Liu);楊淑晴(Shu-Ching Yang)


互動行為 ; 網路專業成長 ; 網路學習 ; 言談分析 ; Quality of Interaction ; Web-based Professional Development ; Discourse Analysis




48卷2期(2003 / 10 / 01)


169 - 190






This study explored the behavior, attitude and quality of interaction of preservice and inservice teachers participating in a Web-based Teacher's Professional Development Platform. One hundred and thirty participants were co-mentored by three senior elementary mathematics teachers, as part of their professional development requirement. Data collection included content analysis and surveys. Content analysis was used to analyze the participants' posted messages, quality of dialogue, level of engagement and communication style. A survey was administered to examine participants' attitudes toward and perceptions of the Web as a tool for professional development. The major findings are as follows:Close examination of message content revealed a number of stand-alone messages, primarily dominated by monologue. There were predominantly single replies to messages; most discussions failed to go beyond questions and single replies. Most participants engaged moderately in online activity. Dialogue analysis of weekly themed discussion among participants found that the general introduction and organization category was most active with few question-and-response messages.Finally, it was revealed by the survey that most participants found the online workshop useful; most claimed they benefited emotionally and intellectually by using the telecommunications network for professional development and support. They also raised issues that needed to be further addressed. The paper concludes with recommendations for the future design of technology in professional learning.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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