


The Development of Experienced Teacher's Professional Practical Theory: The Professional Collaborative Approach




陳美玉(Mei-Yuh Chen)


專業合作 ; 經驗教師 ; 教師專業實踐理論 ; professional collaboration ; experienced teacher ; teacher's professional practical theory




49卷1期(2004 / 04 / 01)


123 - 138






The professional collaboration of theorist-practitioner is an important approach to improve the mutual professional development. In order to improve experienced teachers professional development, this study utilizes the literature review, experience narrative, discourse, reflection, interview and content analysis to develop the professional practical theories for experienced teachers of vocational high schools. This study abstains five conclusions that are: (1) the experienced teacher's professional practical theories have various features, (2) the professional collaborative approach has some limits for experienced teacher's professional practical theories development, (3) the professional collaborative approach could improve experienced teacher's professional development. This paper provides several suggestions for professional development of experienced teachers and future studies also.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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