


College and University Student Ratings Systems in Taiwan




張德勝(Te-Sheng Chang)


學生評鑑教師教學 ; 教師評鑑 ; 高等教育 ; 大學校院 ; Student Ratings of Instruction ; Evaluation System ; Higher Education




50卷2期(2005 / 10 / 01)


205 - 227






The purpose of this study was to investigate the systems used by students at colleges and universities in Taiwan to rate their professors. The sample consisted of 36 public colleges/universities and 40 private colleges/universities. Two research methods were involved. Method one was an analysis of college/university documents related to student ratings. These documents were concerned with the regulations and instruments for, and the reports on, student ratings from each college/university. Method two was a survey of the officials who took charge of the student ratings system at each college/university. Both methods were implemented between March and April, 2001. Some important findings are as follows:1. More than 80% of the schools in the sample had implemented student ratings systems.2. Approximately 46.1% of these schools have built student ratings regulations.3. 68.4% of the schools have an academic affairs division in charge of the administration of student ratings.4. Approximately 60.1% of the schools have an academic affairs division in charge of the development of student ratings instruments.5. More than 90% of the schools do not have student representatives who participate in the development of student ratings instruments.6. 80.3% of the schools use a school-wide instrument.7. Less than 50% of the schools have a reliability test and construct the validity of student ratings instruments.8. The mean for each academic subject is the most-used statistic for the results output.9. Only three schools have published the results of their student ratings.10. Approximately 30% of the schools offer an instructional consultation service for faculty.11. There is no significant difference between public colleges/universities and private colleges/ universities regarding the student ratings system.Based on the results of this study, some conclusions are drawn and suggestions are made for future study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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