


Elementary and Middle School Teachers' Perception of their Morning and Afternoon Traffic Supervision Duty




許籐繼(Terng-Ji Sheu);羅綸新(Laurence Lwo)


交通導護 ; 教師義務 ; 學生安全 ; traffic supervision ; teachers' duty ; student safety




51卷2期(2006 / 10 / 01)


237 - 256






The purpose of this study was to investigate elementary and middle school teachers' perception of their legal responsibility or duty to direct traffic for students entering and leaving school. The study was conducted in four stages. First, the researchers analyzed the literature; second, we held a panel discussion; third, we organized two public hearings to discuss the issue; finally, we conducted a random survey of school educators.Five conclusions were drawn from this study: (1) Legislation is needed that can clearly define the responsibilities of school teachers, and especially their traffic-directing duty when students enter and leave school each day; (2) teachers who are responsible for student safety need more support; (3) teachers' responsibility for student safety should be limited to the area between the school gates and the classrooms; (4) the government should consider this issue and provide more guidelines and assistance for teachers and also for parents who are responsible for student safety; (5) from the school teachers' viewpoint, being a traffic supervisor can cause a certain degree of stress. Based on these conclusions, we also provide some suggestions for the central government, the local government, and the schools as to how they may help solve the problem of traffic supervision at the elementary schools.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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