


The Effect of Group-Interactive Behavior on Acquisition and Participation Approaches to Web-based Problem-Solving Learning




顏榮泉(Jung-Chuan Yen);陳明溥(Ming-Puu Chen)


互動行為 ; 社群參與 ; 知識擷取 ; 網路學習 ; interactive behavior ; participation approach ; acquisition approach ; web-based learning




51卷2期(2006 / 10 / 01)


67 - 89






The purpose of this study was to explore the pedagogic and epistemological issues of web-based learning theory by examining the effects of learners' interactive behavior on their web-based problem-solving performance. Two types of learning activity were compared in this study: the acquisition approach (AC) and the participation approach (PA). The former involves individuals in constructing cognitive structures and schemas that are effective in a variety of situations, and the latter examines learning as a process of participating in various cultural practices and shared learning activities. The results showed that the AC group outperformed the PA group on the well-structured problem-solving task, while the PA group outperformed the AC group on the ill-structured learning task. The PA group also showed a higher degree of social interaction, and formed more collaborative teams than the AC group. It was also found that for both experimental teams, group problem-solving was significantly more effective than individual problem-solving. Furthermore, different approaches led to divergent learner behaviors. Content analysis revealed that problem analysis and orientation behavior were the most common strategies for the AC group, while problem critique and reaction to implementation were the PA group's most-used strategies. Finally, this paper concludes by making recommendations for the future instructional design of web-based learning.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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