


Science and Technology College Students' Expectations and Degree of Satisfaction in Life-and-Death Studies




陳錫琦(Si-Chi Chen)


生死學 ; 生死學學習內容 ; 生死學學習需求 ; 科技大學學生 ; Life-and-Death Studies (LDS) ; course contents for LDS ; learning expectations for LDS ; Science and Technology college students




53卷1期(2008 / 04 / 01)


55 - 78






The purpose of this study is to analyze science and technology college students' learning expectations in the area of Life-and-Death Studies and the degree to which these expectations may be satisfied by the course content and by the instructors' way of teaching them. The subjects of our study were Life-and-Death Studies students in 15 colleges. 8 of these colleges mailed back the questionnaires we sent out, and in total we got 361 valid questionnaires. The results showed that: out of a total of 42 items expressing students' expectations, there are 36 items that students express a ”tendency” for learning expectations; there are 35 items that students show a ”general satisfaction”; and there are 41 items that students address a ”tendency for competence” of instructors. But for only 2 items was there a balance between learning expectations and satisfaction of expectations; for 18 items there was a correlation between learning expectations and competence of instructors. Finally the researcher discusses the results and makes some suggestions for how we may improve Life-and-Death Studies instruction in our Science and Technology colleges.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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