


Computer Partners' Conversations as an Indicator of Children's Perceptions of More and Less Structured Learning Software




邱淑惠(Shu-Hui Chiu)


內容分析 ; 同儕合作 ; 談話 ; 學習軟體 ; content analysis ; collaborative learning ; children's talk ; structuredsoftware




53卷2期(2008 / 08 / 01)


59 - 82






In this study, sixty 2^nd graders, randomly paired, played cooperatively, in two separate sessions, with (a) more open-ended and (b) more structured, drill-andpractice- oriented software. Children's conversations while playing with the software and their preferences for different kinds of software were examined. Content analysis was applied to examine children's talk. Ten categories were identified, including taking turns, emotion, technical, simple descriptions, strategies applied, reasoning, evaluation, questions/suggestions, realization and others. The data indicated that, while playing with the structured, drill-andpractice oriented software, such as mathematics perfect, children's conversations showed that they were more emotional, took turns more often, applied more strategies, and did more evaluating. Thus it seems that this kind of software, with its more clearly-defined goals, stimulated less talk about technical problems, and that each child was more confident and more willing to fight for his turn. In addition, children engaged in relatively more strategy-related talk while working on this software. In contrast, while playing with the open-ended software, such as zoo paradise, children engaged in more technically-related talk and were more concerned with reasoning their decisions, questioning other's choices, and suggesting alternative selections. With this software, some children automatically asked their partners to take over when they were struggling with the task. It seems that the more open-ended software included tasks that forced children to justify their own actions and hypotheses, which rarely occurred when they were using the more structured software. In contrast, the more structured software included clearly-defined tasks forced children to applied strategies learned in math class. The data also indicated that most children prefer the open-ended software to the structured, drill-and-practice oriented software. It seems that students actually preferred to be challenged more in authentic tasks than in homework-like tasks.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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