Based on Taiwan's educational reforms over the past fifteen years and the trends of international research and practice, this study focused on how to plan, implement and evaluate a character-based school culture (CBSC) project to meet the needs of Taiwan's moral education. The CBSC was a scientific and professional project, one inspired by several theoretical models of ”school culture” and ”moral atmosphere.” The CBSC adapted comprehensive American models of character education programs to fit Taiwan's educational system. The author conducted this research project from August 2005 to July 2007 in one elementary school and one junior high school. The methodology, both qualitative and quantitative, was drawn from symposia workshops, meetings, interviews, surveys, and observations, and made use of a quasi-experimental design. The findings were as follows: (1) The CBSC project showed that it is feasible to infuse character education into diversified curricula. (2) The staff members of the schools involved enhanced their own professional knowledge of character education as a result the CBSC project. (3) The CBSC project promoted students' autonomy and enhanced their parents' ability to collaborate in school character education. (4)The CBSC project, featuring systematic and intensive character education, manifested its effectiveness especially at the junior high school level. Furthermore, the author made several observations regarding the process and products of planning, implementing and evaluating the CBSC project. Finally, the author made recommendations with regard to the sustainable development of character-based school culture in Taiwan's academia and government.
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