


The Core Position and Methodological Mismatch of Policy Network Research in the Field of Public Administration




王光旭(Guang-Xu Wang)


政策綱絡 ; 綱絡分析 ; 資源依賴 ; 方法錯位 ; 新制度論 ; policy network ; network analysis ; resource interdependency ; methodological mismatch ; new-institutionalism




5期(2004 / 06 / 01)


61 - 102




政策綱絡作爲探討政策形成過程的一種新興方法,將政策過程理解爲具有不同立場、多元利益的群體複雜的動態博奕過程,突破了本文傳統決策研究領域中,菁英決策或是理性決策的分析方法。由於政策綱絡的分析方式能切實反應社會的現狀,有關政策綱絡方面的文獻如雨後春筍般湧出,充分反映出公共行政學界對政策綱絡之研究有著濃厚的興趣。雖然政策綱絡在實務的應用上,已經累積了相當多的研究個案,但概念的分析與理論的建構上,仍然遭受極大的批評,甚至不同學派之間持續的大辯論,以及後續對政策綱絡提出補充觀點的學者,由於觀點的失焦,也似乎沒有清楚的理解並解決理論上根本的問題。 本文最主要的目的,即是針對過去迄今公共行政領域中使用政策綱絡途徑的研究成果做一反省與討論。從筆者所檢閱的政策綱絡相關文獻中,公共行政的學者確實如批評所述,大將政策綱絡的探討侷限於綱絡的態樣,綱絡的表現方式大多爲靜態結果上的呈現,而非動態權變的權力互動過程。政策綱絡要走出僅具描述性的隠喻批判而成爲具有解釋力的理論,Dowding建議可以結合社會綱絡分析法的建議是非常中肯的。首先,對於政策綱絡的分析,我們應該試圖以綱絡分析的思維解答下列的問題:行動者間是否存在著關係連帶?關係連帶背後所代表的實質內容爲何?交換的資源爲何?誰是綱絡的中心?誰是綱絡的邊陲?行動者間關係的強度、距離、頻率各爲何?這樣的政策綱絡對於政策結果有什麽樣的影響?再者,政策綱絡的研究需要更精緻化。筆者並不排斥連續其他分析概念加強政策綱絡的解釋力,然而在方法的使用上,分析問題的角度應該是要回答綱絡所要關心的問題意義,而非是補充性的理論所關心的議題,才不會有錯失焦點之虞,如此才能更正確的精緻化政策綱絡的分析方法,並進一步對實務的政策問題提出正確可行的政策建議。


Governing by Bureaucracy has been the focus of Public Administration. However, as the power of the government systems fall, and the private organizations rise. Policies are implemented in complex organizational network and target population. Power is the central concept in the dependent model and connects with the possession of resources or with the asymmetry of the dependent relations among actors. The research on policy networks is always at the core of policy-making process developed since 1970s. Only by talking policy network research, rather than other general policy making process research, as a starting point, people could understand and hold the true situation of policy-making process in the society nowadays. Furthermore, nothing that the traditional research on policy network has been sometimes inattentive to their work. The Rhodes' researches on policy network suffer a lot of critiques from Dowding, Raab and other researchers. The critic argues that network approaches are failed because the driving force of the explanation and the independent variables are not the network per se but rather characteristics of components within the networks. Many scholarships like Blom-Hansen combine the views of new institutionalism and policy network to break policy network away from vague description like a metaphor. But Blom-Hansen leads to the wrong result of his work by using the incorrect view to explain the policy network. In this article, social network analysis is applied to provide theoretical and research insights for those who focus primarily on traditional policy network research. Finally, the article will be concluded with recommendations for advancing current scholarship on policy network.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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