


The Performance Appraisal for Four County or Municipal Governments in TaoChuMiao Area, Taiwan




黃國敏(Edward K. Hwang)


績效評估 ; 績效指標 ; 地方政府 ; performance appraisal assessment ; performance indicator ; local government




6期(2006 / 06 / 01)


89 - 131






As the core element of TQM, performance appraisal has to collect and analyze the service outputs. The main critic to governments is their focusing only on ”inputs” but ignoring ”outputs”. Since the goal of governmental reengineering is to construct the new governments with the entrepreneurial spirit, administrative outputs rather than inputs must be assessed as the appraisal model for governmental performance. Therefore, the objective of this research is to examine theories of performance assessment and to compare the administrative performance of TaoChuMiao 4 county or municipal governments by their service outputs as a comparative study. Local governments must adopt ”performance assessment” as an incentive to executive administrative reform.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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