


Research on Comparative Negligence of Patients in German Medical Malpractice


侯英泠(Ing-Ling Hou)


遵循醫囑 ; 病人與有過失 ; 外籍病人 ; 醫師說明義務 ; 藥品仿單 ; 錯誤醫囑 ; 非真正義務 ; 病人協力義務 ; 病人恣意出院 ; 第三人過失 ; 拒絕治療 ; 損害擴張義務 ; 損害賠償責任 ; Assumption of risk ; Compliance obligation ; Handeln auf eigenene Gefahr ; Grundsatz von Treu und Glauben ; comparative negligence ; Mitverschulden des Patienten ; Nichtbefolgung von ärztlichen Anweisungen ; non-compliance, Prescription ; patient-centred care ; Drug labeling ; Prescription ; Rezeption ; Patient's Obligation to cooperate ; Obligation to reduce damage ; Schadensminerungspflicht ; therapeutic partnership




86期(2013 / 06 / 01)


125 - 183






In Relation to lack of medical knowledge of patient would generally hardly recognize their negative in medical malpractice. But with the gradual respected patients' rights would observe the informed consent. The Judgment expects participatory role and its cooperation obligations from patients in medical process. The Patient must correctly follows medical advice, such as medication or drug compliance, chronic wound care, self-directed physiotherapy exercises. And medical compliance is often an important factor in healing process. Both the patient and the health-care provider affect a positive medical opportunity. Non compliance thwarts a medical Treatment. On the basis of equitable distribution of risk damage Germany literature gradually recognizes the obligation of patient in medical Treatment. The German judgment stipulates enough of Information about medical Treatment form medical provider beforehand acceptance of the obligation of patient to compliance in medical process. The German judgment very care to ken acknowledged of patient in medical accident. The German judgment sets us a good example. There are 3 reconditions in recognition of cooperation obligation patients in Germany. 1. health care providers have made obligation of explanation; 2. patients have hurt their cooperation duty or obligation to compliance; 3. culpable negligence against themselves. As the patient negligence violate his obligation against himself, on the basis of German civil law article No. 254 the patient contributes his damage with the health care provider together. The criterion for a decision of their negligence is Germany civil law article No. 276. The underage patient is liable for his own negligence in case of his compensation under German Civil law article No. 827, 828 in connection with German Civil law article No. 276. The underage patient should be responsible for negligence of his helper in case of his own compensation under German Civil law article No. 254, 2^(nd). But Germany practice based on the special protection of underages, to have a contractual or similar relationship to conditions of contract, began the same responsibility for negligence of legal representatives (their parents).

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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