


A Basic Study of the Sense of Justice-Thinking Its Status in the Procedure of Judge's Decision-Making Based on Some Civil Cases


吳從周(Chung-Jau Wu)


法感 ; 法感情 ; 法律感情 ; 法律感覺 ; 是非感 ; 正義感 ; 法源 ; the Sense of Justice ; the Feeling of Justice ; Legal Sources




92期(2014 / 12 / 01)


1 - 46






After Summarizing the argumentations of the literature, the Sense of Justice can be concluded as four functions: the Critical function, the Security function, the Abduction function and the Legal Source function. The function most exercised by the courts is the one of criticizing the positive laws. In the so called "Glass Doll" case and the "Limitation (Prescription) of Insurance Claims" case, the judgments of the Supreme Court not only use the Abduction function of " Sense of Justice" in order the obtain the initial direction of solving the problems, but also play its critical function "as a critical mechanism for positive law, as a evidence to the intuition for a legal person with abundant experiences dealing with legal issues". To certain extent we can certify that the process during the judge making judgments is in fact just to be in accordance with national legal feelings and to answer the legal social purposes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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