


The Insider Trading Law of the United States: Method and Value


賴英照(In-Jaw Lai)


內線交易 ; 法律解釋與價值判斷 ; 資訊平等理論 ; 信賴關係理論 ; 私取理論 ; Insider Trading ; Statutory Interpretation and Value Judgement ; Parity-of-Information Theory ; Fiduciary Duty Theory ; Misappropriation Theory




99期(2016 / 09 / 01)


1 - 95






The prohibition of insider trading in the United States is based on the anti-fraud provision. The definition of "fraud" or "deception" is broad and vague, providing a board playing field for different interpretations. A variety of theories, including parity-of-information theory, fiduciary duty theory, and misappropriation theory, have been applied in cases by the court over the pa t decades. While the text of the law as enacted by the Congress remains intact, the meaning of "fraud" or "deception" has changed significantly. The change is largely a product of differences in the method of statutory interpretation as employed by the courts, and variation in judges' value judgement on the insider trading. To gain an insight into the U.S. insider trading law, one should read both dissenting and majority opinions of the decisions, with special attention to the statutory interpretation methods and value judgement underlying the holdings and reasons thereof. The holdings are not given, but merely a choice of value among judges, and often changing and conflicting.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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