


On Obligations to Cooperation for Taxation Purpose, Taxation According Estimation and Sanctions for Cooperation Violations: Systematical Analysis of Article 14 of the Taxpayer's Rights Protection Act and These Related Interpretations of the Legislative Constitutional Judgements


柯格鐘(Ke-Chung Ko)


協力義務 ; 義務違反 ; 推計課稅 ; 核實課稅 ; 最大可能蓋然性 ; 同業利潤標準 ; 擴大書審 ; 一般所得額標準 ; Duty and Obligation to Cooperation ; Obligation Violation ; Verification of Taxation ; Taxation According Estimation ; Maximum Probability ; Inter-Bank Profit Standard ; Expansion of Book Review ; Net Profit Rate




110期(2019 / 06 / 01)


1 - 91






The duties and obligations of the taxpayer in accordance with the tax law or the specific obligation of the taxation agency to form a specific part of the taxation are necessary to achieve the discovery of the elements facts of the taxation, the ultimate goal is to apply the tax law equally, and achieve a fair distribution of tax burden. These duties and obligations to cooperation are therefore under the principle of proportionality test, have the constitutional legitimacy. In the collection procedure, it plays the functional role of the auxiliary authority investigation evidence principle to help find the objective reality. If the taxpayer fails to do his best, the taxation authority should still investigate according to the authority. However, if it is difficult to investigate or the expenditure is disproportionate, in reality, the factual agreement cannot be reached, that is, it can be taxed according to law. The target of the calculation should be limited to the tax base and be determined to be one or all in accordance with the scope of the obligation violation. The method to estimation can be divided into internal method and external method to estimation. The inter-bank profit standard is one of external estimation method. This is based on the application of the principle of prohibition of profit-making for breach of obligations. It is the best operating result for the peers, so it is high than net profit rate, but not punitive. The presumption and the taxpayer are subject to sanctions for breach of the cooperative obligation, so the principle of the rule of law prohibited by repeated punishment is not violated. According to the maximum probabilistic nature, the taxpayer should pay the tax and the tax evasion as the basis for the ruling. The latter is the minimum amount of the same-party operating result based on full confirmation. The two concepts are different. Therefore, it is recommended that the taxation and ruling of the taxation should be divided into different courts to accept the judgment.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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