


The Regulation of ESG Disclosure: Focus on Standard of Materiality


黃朝琮(Chao-Tsung Huang)


ESG ; 永續發展 ; 公司社會責任 ; 重大性 ; 合理投資人 ; ESG ; Sustainable Development ; Corporate Social Responsibility ; Materiality ; Reasonable Investor




122期(2022 / 06 / 01)


1 - 111






Surrounding the materiality standard of ESG information, this article explores the nature of Taiwan's ESG information disclosure regulation and further rethinks currently available materiality standard. Under Taiwan's current securities regulation, there are already different materiality standards applied in different contexts, which, combined with the situation that our securities authority refers to different disclosure framework for ESG information, leads to a complicated and inconsistent scenario when it comes to determining the materiality of a piece of ESG information. This article argues that this conundrum can be solved by simply going back to the core "reasonable investor" and construct such investor's perception as to what would affect his/her investment decision, based on which the regulator could forge the scope of the information that needs to be disclosed in the ESG trend.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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