


Reconstructing the Concept of "Obscene" in Criminal Law with "Sexual Connotation"


廖宜寧(I-Ning Liao)


性自主 ; 性意涵 ; 性道德 ; 性騷擾 ; 性關聯 ; 猥褻 ; 性慾 ; Sexual Autonomy ; In a Sexual Way ; Sexual Morality ; Sexual Harassment ; Sexual Relevance ; Obscenity ; Sexual Desire




125期(2023 / 03 / 01)


71 - 145






This article aims to analyze the theoretical and practical interpretation of sexual meaning and point out that if the sexual meaning as a constituent element of sexual crimes is taken seriously and does not fall into the circular argumentation of the relationship with the autonomous concept, it's normative meaning must be combined with the value judgment about "sex", so that the punishment basis of sex crimes can be justified. The element of sexual connotation is a normative concept defined by past sexual customs or morals. It constructs a set of interpersonal sexual interaction rules; if this set of rules is to be maintained as a normative element in the criminal law today, the legitimacy of the foundation must be given an interpretation compatible with the modern liberal law. According to the insights of this article, personal sexuality can be understood as a comprehensive element in the field of privacy and reputation (personality). Sexual infringement of others not only harms their autonomy in the formation and realization of their will, but also interferes with their information autonomy, and the depreciation of the personality and self-identity constructed by sexual activities. According to this, the act of compulsory obscenity is not only an act against the will of the victim, but also one that infringes the victim's privacy and identity at a subjective and objective level. A higher threshold of major sexuality will be applied here. Article 25 of the Sexual Harassment Prevention Law requirements on the other side, in addition to being limited to the act of being inadequate and touching specific body parts, the perpetrator does not need to have major sexual privacy violations or sexual humiliation purposes, but only needs to have the cognition of a sexual superiority in the interaction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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