


Financial Technology and Financial Supervision


莊永丞(Yung-Cheng Chuang)


金融科技 ; 破壞式創新 ; 監管科技 ; 金融監理沙盒 ; 規則基礎監理 ; 原則基礎監理 ; FinTech ; Disruptive Innovation ; RegTech ; Regulatory Sandbox ; Rule-based Regulation ; Principle-based Regulation




127期(2023 / 09 / 01)


151 - 236






FinTech refers to the application of technology in the field of finance to provide the disruptive innovation of existing financial business models. FinTech can not only provide better convenience for financial consumers and reduce transaction costs, to achieve the goal of financial inclusion, but also help supervisors to improve supervision efficiency and reduce supervision cost with regulatory technology. However, FinTech is also problematic due to the impact of financial market stability and inadequate consumer protection, especially how the financial regulator should supervise and respond to the situation that the innovators of non-traditional financial institutions want to enter the financial market to provide better and cheaper services. In particular, the traditional laws and regulations are facing rapid changes in technology, but they are still unable to respond to the needs of the times. Therefore, the discussion and selection of rule-based regulation and principle based regulation in the regulation adjustment regression are the important issues under the existing regulation issues. This paper focuses on the impact of FinTech innovation and its regulatory dilemma and proposes the best practice of supervision adjustment in our country.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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