Sexual offenders, especially child molesters are in some ways the most difficult population for correctional intervention. According to the ”Sexual Assault Prevention Law”, passed by the Legislation Yuan, sexual offenders and child molesters must receive a probationary treatment after serving their sentence. During the probationary period, the offenders and molesters must be monitored under the reinforced treatment and follow-up programs to prevent them from committing the crime again. Therefore, it is the very moment of which social worker may intervene with professional treatments. The new law indeed provides social workers with the legitimacy of reinforced intervention for sexual offenders. This paper tries to explore the notion of ”cognitive-behavior therapy” and the ”coping model” perspective, and the application of these theoretical disciplines to treatment for child molesters. It also integrates Beckett (1994) ”comprehensive treatment model” and ”the principle of child sexual abuse treatment” that are developed by the Hennepin County Department of Community Corrections as ”the treatment model for child molesters”. In light of above models/theories, the treatment for child molester may be divided as three stages: in-take, treatment, and termination. The article identifies important issues of each stage such as treat strategies, treat objectives, methods and techniques, and expected outcomes.
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