


Adults with Intellectual Disabilities Live in Institution: The Descriptive Analysis of Health and Disease Patterns by Gender and Age Dimensions




王國羽(Kuo-Yu Wang)




8期(2003 / 12 / 01)


91 - 128




本研究目的以分析居住在機構中的成年智障者的疾病與醫療健康狀態為主,研究樣本取自全台二十二間機構,以機構內三十五歲以上之成年智障者為對象,資料收集時間是二000年二月到八月。本文分析焦點集中在性別與年齡兩個面向。總計研究者收集六百一十四位成年智障者之基礎健康與疾病資料。文章分為三部分:第一部份討論智障者的人口結構,第二部份為文獻討論,第三部份以研究者所收集居住在機構的614位智障者健康與疾病資料,討論機構內成年智障者的健康與疾病現況。基本資料顯示,成年智障者的平均年齡為43.75歲,其中男性362位(59%),女性252位(41%),樣本中8.5%為唐氏症患者,7.7%為腦性麻痺患者,有抽搐者比例為16.1%。依據BMI指數,其中20.7%體重過輕,亦有14.4%體重過重,過輕表示營養不良,過重則未來發生心臟血管疾病的風險較高。 研究結果顯示:隨著年齡的增加,男女兩性智障者罹患心臟病的機率都是呈現上升的趨勢,且男性高於女性。男性罹患神經系統疾病、骨骼肌肉系統疾病等為主,女性以呼吸系統、內分泌系統、腸胃系統疾病等為主。男女兩性皆會隨著年齡增加,知覺系統的改變以聽力退化最為明顯,無論男女都隨著年齡增加知覺系統產生改變。整體分析顯示,各種生理疾病與知覺系統的變化,年齡的差異要大於性別的差異。成年智障者的其他健康問題,文章最後,針對智障者的醫療健康與相關議題,作者也提出討論。


The purpose of this study is to analyze the health status for adults with intellectual disabilities who live in institutions in Taiwan. The contents of this paper have three parts, first showed demographic characteristic of people with intellectual disabilities in Taiwan, second article review and last part showed the results. Data were collected from 22 institutions with 614 adults with intellectual disabilities over age 35, at year 2000. This paper focuses on analyzing the gender and age dimensions on health status on this population. The average age for our sample is 43.75, among them, male 362 (59%), female 252 (41%). There were 52 cases (8.5%) with Down syndrome, 16.9% with seizure, and 7.7% with cerebral palsy. The BMI showed that over 20.7% under weight, and over 14% of them with obesity. Both groups need to further exam of their other health conditions. The health status showed that increasing of age, male and female adults with intellectual disabilities had significantly high risk of having cardiovascular disease. Male with intellectual disabilities especially had higher percentage than females, with neurology disease, while adult females at each age group had higher percentage with endocrine, respiratory, GI and infection diseases. Both male and female adult with intellectual disabilities increased the risk of having sensory system problem, especially hearing impairment. The results show that aging process has affected physical conditions, while gender play major role on their mental health problem.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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