


Organization-run Massage Centers for Visually Impaired Massage Workers: Are they Empowering?




王育瑜(Yu-Yu Nancy Wang)


障礙團體 ; 按摩中心 ; 充權 ; 視障按摩師 ; Organization-run massage centers ; visually impaired massage workers ; empowerment




9期(2004 / 07 / 01)


85 - 136




身心障礙者保護法將按摩列為視障者的保留性職業,然而,多年來非法按摩的猖獗卻嚴重影響按摩師的生計,九零年代初期起,障礙團體紛紛成立按摩中心,企圖改善視障按摩業的困境,而這些中心也取得政府的補助。本研究目的在探討障礙團體所成立的按摩中心,對於視障按摩師的職業困境是否有改善的作用?而視障按摩師又如何經驗與看待這些按摩中心? 本研究以台北市十家按摩中心為對象,採取質性探究取向,個別深度訪談按摩中心的管理者,並以團體訪談訪問在這些按摩中心工作的按摩師。研究從「充權」的觀點分析視障按摩師的經驗。訪談管理者之外,並訪談按摩師的主要目的在探索視障按摩師的主體經驗,希望透過研究可以讓視障按摩師發聲,用以評估障礙團體的按摩中心之充權效用。 研究發現儘管相對於傳統按摩,按摩師普遍認為按摩中心提升了其生活品質與自尊,然而,進一步分析管理階層的設計,可分成七種模式,呈現按摩師不同的經驗。綜合而言,生意最好的按摩中心反而按摩師對於管理規定與管理者有較大的反彈與更大的缺乏權能感受,而當管理者本身也是按摩師,且按摩中心財務公開透明化、按摩師參與共治、有底薪設計,按摩師則採取比較共體時艱的態度。研究對照Cox及Parsons所提出的充權實務原則與策略,進行結果的討論。


According to the Physically and Mentally Disabled Persons Protection Act, massage work as an occupation is reserved for visually impaired persons. However, illegal massage has seriously threatened the business of visually impaired massage workers. Since early 1990s, organizations for visually impaired persons have set up massage centers, and hired visually impaired massage workers. The purpose of this study is to explore whether these massage centers effectively tackle the occupational predicament of visually impaired massage workers, and how visually impaired workers experience and look at this new type of working environment and relationship. This study adopts qualitative research approach in exploring the experience of ten massage centers in Taipei City. Individual In-depth interviews have been carried out with the managers and group interviews have been completed with visually impaired massage workers. An underlying purpose for interviewing visually impaired massage workers is to give them a chance to speak for themselves and to evaluate if these massage centers are empowering. The main finding of this study is: Although massage workers feel their quality of life and dignity has improved, there are 7 models of management among these centers and they reveal varied experiences of massage workers. Simply put, those centers that perform well financially receive the least satisfaction from their massage workers. The manager being massage worker as well, the transparency of the finance, the participation of massage workers in management, and basic salary guarantee are key factors of satisfaction. The results of this study are analyzed in dialogue with Cox & Parson's ten empowerment principles and strategies in practice work.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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