


Marital Power of Female Breadwinners in Economic Change: A Study of Dong-Shih Fishing Village






女性養家者 ; 夫妻權力 ; 性別勞務分工 ; female breadwinner ; marital power ; sexual division of labor




11期(2005 / 06 / 01)


1 - 45




本文旨在探討:當漁村勞動市場之發展不利於男性,且僅存留以婦女勞動力為主的工作時,婦女的遭遇、對於「養家者」此一角色的因應,以及「養家者」此一角色對於夫妻權力關係之影響?研究者是以嘉義縣東石鄉東石漁村為研究場域,在資料收集上是以女性主義民族誌之深度訪談、參與觀察為主,期能由女性生活環境之脈絡與意識型態,了解女性的處境,呈現夫妻權力之運作過程。本文是以交換理論為研究架構,在此理論的應用上考慮到社會文化對於個體生活的影響,故研究者透過漁村宗族及家族制度的討論,釐清漁村婦女之生活處境。 研究結果顯示,女性養家者在夫妻權力互動上仍為相對弱勢的位置,主要原因為,婦女所擁有的資源具性別屬性,且夫妻倫序關係難以轉變;「養家者」的角色未對婦女之夫妻權力有實質上的提升,代表的僅是所扮演的角色發生轉變。但是,女性養家者對於夫妻權力的運作過程具影響力;即使她們在夫妻互動中為順從者,卻使男性依賴者感受到,「女性養家」的情況已對於父權文化所賦予之男性權威造成威脅。


This study concerns about the impacts of female breadwinners' marital power, caused by the developments of labor market that disadvantage the working opportunities of male labors. This study focuses on three dimensions: (1) the difficulties that female breadwinners suffered in; (2) the strategies that female breadwinners adapted to confront the role of breadwinner; and (3) the influences of marital power on the role of breadwinner. This study applied feminist ethnography to collect qualitative data and some quantitative data were collected by questionnaire. The framework is exchange theory, and the data analysis is based on the perspectives of female breadwinners in the fishing village of Chia-Yi County. The result of this study shows that women's significant contributions of household economy will never increased their marital power even though they assumed the responsibilities of the breadwinners. But female breadwinners still have great influences on the power processes in the marriage. Even women are subordinate in the marital relationship; male dependents' power already is threaten by their wives.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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