


Factors Affecting the Participation in Voluntary Services among the Middle Aged and Elderly in Taiwan






志願服務 ; 志工管理 ; 志願服務之決定因素 ; 老年志工 ; Volunteering ; Management of volunteers ; Determinants of Volunteering ; Senior Volunteers




12期(2005 / 12 / 01)


1 - 49




本文以Verba et. al.(1995)所提之市民志願主義理論為基礎架構,運用老人生活狀況調查資料,分析老人志願服務行為,及老年人未來志願服務參與意願的影響因素。主要結果如下: 1、老人志願服務的參與深受個人的意願、所擁有的能力,及可接觸志願服務機會的多寡所影響。個人意願愈高、所擁有的能力愈強、可接觸的志願服務機會愈多者,志願服務參與機率愈高。 2、50-64歲人口的未來志願服務參與意願,則受到世代、工作收入、教育程度、志工經驗、團體活動參與、宗教活動參與,及性別等因素的影響。 3、本文並針對老人志工管理的議題做若干的檢討,以供非營利組織未來運用老人志工的參考。


Using the living-status survey data, and based on the theory of civic voluntarism developed by Verba and associates, this study examines the pattern and factors affecting the participation in voluntary services among people aged above 50 years old in Taiwan. And the main findings are: 1. The likelihood for the senior citizens to take part in voluntary services increased as did their willingness, abilities, and the opportunities to serve. Factors affecting future participation in voluntary services among those between 50 and 64 years old included: gender, birth cohort effect, income and educational level, past experiences in volunteer work, and their experiences of participating in group and religious activities. 2. The present study also examines such issues as the management of elderly volunteers, in order to shed light on how to make best use of the human resources of the elderly volunteers. 3. The present study also examines such issues as the management of elderly volunteers, in order to shed light on how to make best use of the human resources of the elderly volunteers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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