


Research of Unit Care in the Medicare Institution: A Case Study in Pingtung




黃松林(Song-Lin Huang);劉慧瑩(Hui-Yin Liu);許秀月(Hsiu-Yueh Hsu)


養護機構 ; 小單元照護 ; 老人照護 ; 老人福利 ; medicare institution ; unit care ; time for willingness of residents leaving beds ; daily steps of care workers




16期(2008 / 01 / 01)


129 - 166






The elderly population in Pingtung County has risen to 11.75 per cent of the total population. There are more than 50 homes for the elderly in Pingtung County. Most of them are small medicare homes with less than 50 beds. Since 2000, the 'unit care', which has been promoted for several years in Japan, is regarded as a unique one for caring for disabled elderly people today. It is especially appropriate for elderly people with dementia. This research tried to promote a Unit Care Model Project and it included social and nursing care services. In this research, daily steps of care workers were taken into account to measure the work load under the Unit Care Model Project. In addition, time for willingness to leave beds of residents to join interactions and an investigation of satisfaction with services were also utilized to measure the quality of service. Findings were illustrated as follows: daily steps of care workers kept rising from the first week to the 14(superscript th) week and lessened after the 15(superscript th) week. After the 19(superscript th) wee, it was even less than the beginning of the project. This shows that the work load of care workers has been lower than at the beginning of the project. In addition, time for willingness of residents leaving beds increased significantly during the first two weeks and then gradually decreased. The scores were significantly higher than at the beginning of the project. Our findings were similar to the researchers in the Japanese study. Suggestions to institutions were given in the conclusion.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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