


Occupational Risk: The Missing Component of Social Work Education in Taiwan




汪淑媛(Shu-Yuan Wang)


社會工作 ; 社會工作職業風險 ; 社會工作教育 ; social work ; social work occupational risks ; social work education




17期(2008 / 06 / 01)


1 - 42






Social work is known as a high-risk occupation. The profession not infrequently exposes its workers to case overload, burnout, bureaucratic obstruction, vicarious trauma, abuse by the client, and even, in extreme cases, violent attack by the client. Yet in searching through the curriculum of social work departments in Taiwan, the textbooks used in Taiwan to train social workers, and even the various ethical codes social workers in Taiwan are held to, the author found little mention of occupational risk in the profession. What she found was that, in Taiwan at least, the occupational risk of social work is effectively ignored by the educational system. She argues that it is unethical for educational system not to prepare students of social work for the dangers they will encounter in the field and introduce them to strategies to deal with these. She concludes that considerations of occupational risk need to be introduced into the education of Taiwan's social workers and that this will not only enhance social worker competence, but will benefit the clients and be in accordance with the core values of the social work profession.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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