


This Is Just a House, Not Our Home: The Immigration and Life-Shock's Experience of Taiwanese Indigene after Typhoon Morakot Through an Interpretive Interactionism Perspective




謝文中(Wen-Chung Hsieh);鄭夙芬(Su-Fen Cheng);鄭期緯(Chi-Wei Cheng)


莫拉克風災 ; 原住民 ; 解釋性互動論 ; 遷徙 ; interpretive interactionism ; typhoon morakot ; indigene ; immigration




24期(2011 / 12 / 01)


135 - 166






(1) Purpose: To explore Taiwanese indigene's experience of immigration and life-shock after typhoon Morakot and examining the Implementation of Reconstruction Programs by a critical point. (2) Method: This was a qualitative research which based on an Interpretive Interactionism approach and used deep-interview and observation to collect data. There were five participants who were recruited by availability sampling. (3) Result and Conclusions: There were three major results in this research. a. Making an important decision of immigration under a flustered and changeable situation. b. The new living place is never like our traditional habitat in the mountains. c. Far away from our native environment and culture is the really story which is covered by the name of immigration. This research had three suggestions according to the results. a. Using more gentle and soft-way to help indigene to determine the decision of immigration. b. Authorities do not be surprised to our another decision, if we choose to move again in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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