This paper aims to explore the variance and relationship between community traits and community social capital. After reviewing literatures related to ”community” and ”social capital”, a structured questionnaire was designed by the researchers. Community was viewed as a research unit and all of the Registered Community Development Associations in Taiwan were surveyed 780 questionnaires were completed and analyzed. The outcome showed that the different types of community social capital varied and yet were related to agree in community demographic variables, community geographic attributes, community scales, community organizing, community activities and community leaders' attributes. After discussion and analysis, this study proposed seven suggestions for the reference of promoting community work for policymaking and practice, including: (1) closing the gap of social capital between various community types, (2) rethinking and redefining the way, scope and scale of community, (3) motivating community cohesion and activity by good using of the characteristics of ethnic, religion or culture (or industry), (4) enforcing community leaders' commitment and effort of community management, (5)balancing different types of social capital and avoiding meteoric community programmers, (6) continuing to promote community evaluation and accumulating the stock of social capital, and (7) advancing related community activities in order to promote community social capital.
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