


Subject Construction after Cross-Border: Immigrant Lone Mothers and Their Local and Cross-Border Negotiation




潘淑滿(Shu-Man Pan);楊榮宗(Jung-Tsung Yang)


在地與跨境協商 ; 多元家庭支持方案 ; 婚姻移民單親母親 ; 跨境母職 ; local and cross-border negotiation ; multiple family support programs ; immigrant lone mothers ; transnational mothering




27期(2013 / 06 / 01)


135 - 183






Drawing on in-depth interviews with 20 immigrant lone mothers, this paper presents their experiences of local and cross-border negotiation of motherhood. Before becoming lone mothers, marriage immigrant women's strategies of motherhood negotiation are contingent on their responsibility to care for elderly members of their husband's family. If marriage immigrant women are not responsible for caring for the elderly in their husband's family, they tend to resort to extended negotiation of motherhood. If they are responsible for caring for the elderly, they tend to employ compromised negotiation of motherhood. After becoming lone mothers, marriage immigrant women's strategies of practicing motherhood depend on the age of their children. If their children are of pre-school age, immigrant lone mothers tend to use cross-border negotiation or adjustment of their working schedule and location. If their children are of school age, immigrant lone mothers tend to develop local resources or change their jobs. This paper argues that current feminist discourse on mothering and traditional discourse on the good mother cannot adequately interpret these motherhood strategies. These strategies not only challenge traditional and feminist discourses of motherhood but also reveal the empowerment of cross-border negotiation. However, this negotiation only involves immigrant lone mothers and their own mothers still living in their country of origin, the father in Taiwan remains absent. Facing global migration and increasing divorce rate and single parent families, this paper proposes: (1) presenting new discourse on mothering; (2) conducting multiple family support programs; and (3) providing social benefits for (multiple) part time jobs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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