The purpose of this research is to compare the profiles and motives of women versus men charged with murder or attempted murder of their intimate partners. Content analysis was used as research method. The data was collected from the database of the Taiwanese Department of Justice; all court verdicts of intimate partner homicide and attempted homicide cases from 1998 to 2009 were reviewed by the researcher. The cases were coded with regard to relationship status, relationship state, location of the murder, history of violence, weapon used, motives, mental illness, and killed others beside partners. The total number of the cases was 224, including 198 male and 26 female offenders. Since the female offenders sample is relatively small (11% of the total), descriptive statistics and Chi-Square have been used in this analysis. The significant result of this study regard to gender differences of intimate partner homicide were as follow: (1) Women were significantly more likely to have actually killed their intimate partners, (2) Males were more likely to have murdered or attempted murder when the relationship were over and separated, however, women generally killed the intimate partners while still in a relationship with them. (3) Male attempted to kill their partners in public places, however, women only killed partners at home. (4) 40% of men (but just 10% of women) had abused their partners before killing. 42% of the women had been victims of battery prior to killing their intimate partners. (5) Among men, the risk of partner abandonment, sexual jealousy, and economic issues were the major motivations to kill; however, self-defense was the most common motivation among women. (6) Regarding to killing method, only men used beating and only women use poison. Because of the gun controlled policy, gun is not easily accessed, knife is the major weapon for both man and women. (7) And 20% man also killed someone who were not their partners, they were parents, children, sibling, boy friend and suspected boyfriends.
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