


A Time to Submit and a Time to Resist: The Family Caregiving Struggle of New Immigrant Women from Southeast Asia




鄭詩穎(Shih-Ying Cheng);余漢儀(Hon-Yei Yu)


父權壓迫 ; 東南亞新移民女性 ; 抵抗 ; 家庭照顧者 ; 順從 ; patriarchal oppression ; new immigrant women from Southeast Asian ; resistance ; family caregiver ; submission




29期(2014 / 06 / 01)


149 - 197






This study investigates the following topics: (1) the experiences as caregivers as new immigrant women from Southeast Asia, (2) the factors influencing these women to submit or resist the role of a caregiver, and (3) the strategies that these women used to negotiate their role. After interviewing 16 new immigrant women from Southeast Asia, four findings were conceptualized. First, these women crossed the ocean to take on the caregiver's role. Second, the factors influencing the women's acceptance of the role were: the gender frame within the "One Family" mentality, the dynamics of the women's relations with their in-laws, pragmatic concerns for their situation at home, and the women's acceptance of the family culture of their motherland. While the tactics these women used to resist the role were: laying out acceptable terms and threshold and an-eye-for-an-eye approach after discrimination. As for the strategies of the women to negotiate their roles, they were: power struggle in the domestic arena, communicating the cultural difference, and seeking for replacement caregivers. For these women, the dynamics of their family care- giving experiences were best described as "a time to submit and a time to resist." The study also discusses how the combination of patriarchal oppression, family caregiving needs, immigration acts, and family care policies forced these immigrant women to become family caregivers. The resulting family was found to be responsible for further reinforcing patriarchal oppression. The study concludes with some practical and policy-related recommendations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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