


The Resilience of Male Oral Cancer Survivors: The Masculinity Perspective




林東龍(Dong-Long Lin)


男性口腔癌存活者 ; 男子氣概 ; 韌性 ; male oral cancer survivors ; masculinity ; resilience




30期(2014 / 12 / 01)


139 - 185






This study adopted the masculinity approach to explore the experience of male oral cancer survivors, and to better understand the implications of resilience that may be related to masculinity. Nine in-depth interviews with male oral cancer survivors were conducted and the data analysis adopted a thematic approach. This study argues that male oral cancer survivors had faced unemployment as well as problematic human relationships after they got cancer, and that these events influenced their masculinity. The types of masculinity changed from 'hegemony' and 'marginalization' to 'new good man', 'good father' or 'big brother', and these changes of masculinity could improve their ability to face the challenges in their daily life. In contrast, two male oral cancer survivors turned into 'men out of luck' because of unemployment, impaired human relationship, and lack of family support. Furthermore, the acceptance of family members can help the transformation of masculinity in a positive way. This study suggests that the helping professionals could assist the family in becoming a vehicle for the transformation of masculinity and development of resilience of male oral cancer survivors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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