


From Patienthood to Personhood: Clubhouse Workers’ Journey of Professional Formation




呂又慧(Yu-Hui Lu);梁瓊宜(Chiung-I Liang)


主體 ; 專業關係 ; 會所 ; 精神障礙 ; 醫療化 ; subjectivity ; professional relationship ; clubhouse ; mental illness ; medicalization




33期(2016 / 06 / 01)


129 - 170






The clubhouse philosophy for people with mental illness is summed up as “from patienthood to personhood.” It expects workers to treat each people with mental illness as “a person” instead of “a patient”, so that they can become partners working together “side by side”; the voluntariness of members is then respected. Besides, the organization in pursuit of efficiency and performance is influenced by the policy of “New Managerialism”, while the workers have to deal with la significant amount of office administration. The findings of this research show that clubhouse workers are confronted with the social expectation that they will play the role of “almighty agent for the mentally ill.” In the meantime, the tension between clubhouse development and policy requirements puts them under great pressure. All of the above considerations raise the issue of reconstructing the professional relationship between workers and members. Clubhouse workers reflect that: Before reconstructing the professional relationship, they have to go through the process of transforming their professional subjectivity reflectively via knowledge regarding “from patienthood to personhood” in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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