


The Nomad Phenomenon in Social Welfare? Research on the Strategies of Non-profit Organizations in the Contracting of Community Care Stations in Taipei City




劉昱慶(Yu-Ching Liu);陳正芬(Cheng-Fen Chen)


社會服務契約委託 ; 非營利組織 ; 關懷據點 ; social service contracting ; non-profit organizations ; community care station




33期(2016 / 06 / 01)


43 - 87






In 2005, the Executive Yuan promoted the “Taiwan Health Community Six-Star Program” encouraging communities and non-profit organizations to establish community care stations. Compared with previous contract programs’ emphasizing price, this program encourages organizations from different sectors to join, and allows each other-sector organization to depend on its own ability and sector-related practices. This research is based on the theory of resource dependence, using case studies to analyze the strategies of non-profit organizations, and focuses on explaining how and why providers choose to become functional or budgetary community care stations. This paper includes four cases: two functional and two budgetary. We found that a nomadic social welfare phenomenon exists among non-profit organizations. The major motivation behind this nomad phenomenon is that budgetary non-profit organizations apply for the community care station program in order to acquire government resources. In addition to chasing the additional resources afforded to program participants, they also benefit in that being a community care station improves their reputations from both the government’s and service user’s perspectives. The second finding is a franchise-like relationship between functional and budgetary organizations. While the expectation behind the central government’s policy was that functional and budgetary organizations would be independent of one another, Taipei City government’s contract with elderly welfare centers required they take on the additional role of functional community care centers, forcing them to assist new budgetary community care stations in their districts to apply for the project and implement community care work. This relationship resembles a franchise in that both types of organization benefit: functional organizations get the opportunity of building a community service network, while budgetary organizations receive free knowledge and instruction as well as assistance with implementation. In conclusion, because the central government’s contract programs are rarely modified, non-profit organizations need to constantly look for more resources and supplementary programs to survive. Finding a way to integrate these different programs is an important issue for Taiwan’s community care system.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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