


Illegal Drug Users are Caught between the Formal and Self-help Medical Systems




陳玟如(Wen-Ju Chen);鄭麗珍(Li-Chen Cheng)


正規醫療 ; 污名 ; 求助行為 ; 毒品誤用 ; formal medical systems ; stigma ; help-seeking behavior ; drug and substance misuse




35期(2017 / 06 / 01)


47 - 92






Besides drug treatment, drug addicts may require medical treatment as a result of their suffering accidental injuries, mental health problems, infectious diseases, chronic diseases, etc. However, few studies indicate that they do not actively seek help from the formal medical system for treating their physical and mental problems. The reason for not seeking help from the formal medical system is generally either personal preference or the stigmatization associated with social exclusion resulting from the identity of drug users being revealed as a result of their seeking help from the formal medical system. This study intends to explore the subjective experiences of drug users when seeking help from the formal medical system, as well as determining what kind of alternative medical systems they sought help from. Using a qualitative approach tocollect data, this study employed in-depth interviews with seven drug users regarding their help-seeking experiences in the formal medical system. This study also conducted participatory observation when five interviewees sought help at different kinds of medical systems. The results indicated that the interviewees experienced recurrent stigmatization due to the judgmental identification of these addicts not only as patients, also as criminals. The unfriendly social treatment they experienced precluded them from subsequently accessing formal medical systems. Subsequently, the drug users sought help from other alternative self-help sources, such as drugs provided by their peers, drug stores or clinics in the community, mixing drugs and medicine, folk therapy, etc., which sometime resulting in lethal harm from drug misuse and overdosing. Three suggestions for ameliorating the situation delineated above are included in the conclusion section.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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