The purpose of this study is to examine the parental actions affecting children's adjustment during the divorce process, in order to establish parenting education programs for couples filing for divorce in Taiwan. The present study collected qualitative data from 9 adult children of divorced parents and 14 judges who had attended focus groups. The research results show that children may suffer from divorcing parents' actions which damage parental connections and entail improper care, including: asking children to choose between parents; parental alienation; prohibiting children from seeing one of their parents; snatching or abducting children; arguing over child financial support; emotion transference; improper care by parents who have mental illness symptoms due to divorce; and improper care due to inter-parental opposition and suspicion. The possible implementation models for parenting education programs include: universal requirements for filing for divorce and individualized implementation for special cases. The supporting measures for implementing mandatory parenting education programs for all divorcing parents include: establishing relevant laws and regulations, and cooperation between authorities to secure funding and manpower. Additional supporting measures for implementing individualized parenting education program include assessment, trauma therapy for parents and children, and community resources referrals. The suggestions for practice include: establishing laws and regulations, implementing diverse programs, establishing culturally appropriate materials for parenting education programs for divorcing parents, and giving special consideration to cases involving domestic violence.
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