


The Process of Hong Kong’s Policy of Making Lump Sum Grants in Social Welfare, 1995-2000




王卓聖(Cho-Sheng Wang)


社會福利改革 ; 社會福利政策制定 ; 香港社會福利整筆補助政策 ; 新公共管理 ; social welfare reform ; social welfare policy making ; Hong Kong's lump grant policy in social welfare ; new public management




36期(2017 / 12 / 01)


1 - 45






With the trend of new public management, the pace of Hong Kong's governmental reformation rose in the 1990s. The process of Hong Kong's social welfare subvention policy was debated from 1995 to 2000 in Hong Kong's legislative council. The implementation of lump sum grants in the social welfare system was most remarkable development in 2001; this practical model or social welfare reform was part the reform of new public management. Currently its subsequent effects are still influencing relevant stakeholders in the entire field of social welfare. After an analysis of the relevant documents of Hong Kong's legislative council from 1995 to 2000, this paper finds that in the process of policy making the Hong Kong government played the administrative and dominant roles. Interest groups and members of the legislative council amended the policy of the stakeholders. Both sides discussed and negotiated in the legislative council as a communication platform. The Hong Kong Government manipulated its financial resources by "giving bonuses," thereby gradually inducing non-governmental organizations to support their policy making. Finally it legalized and implemented the lump sum grant system. This paper reviews the logic of Hong Kong's policy making process of lump sum grants in social welfare, the new public management implications and its effects on Hong Kong's Government and social welfare institutions. The results should serve as reference. The use of lump sum grants in the social welfare system was enacted in 2001, and the debate between managerialism and professionalism among relevant stakeholders in the entire field of social welfare also started at the same time.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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