


Correlation Between Social Capital and Community Building of Indigenous Tribes




黃源協(Yuan-Shie Hwang);莊俐昕(Li-Hsin Chuang);吳品儀(Pin-Yi Wu)


原鄉部落 ; 連結型社會資本 ; 部落營造 ; 結合型社會資本 ; 橋接型社會資本 ; indigenous tribe ; linking social capital ; community building ; bonding social capital ; bridging social capital




37期(2018 / 06 / 01)


47 - 98






The study aims to explore the correlation between social capital and community building among indigenous tribes in Taiwan. The main instrument consists of social capital and community building scales created by the researchers. The social capital is divided into 3 types: bonding, bridging and linking. Each type includes 3 elements: trust, network and norm. The community building involves 6 aspects: humanities and education, industrial development, welfare and health care, tribal security, environment and landscape, and environmental protection and ecology. The population is indigenous people aged over 20; 679 successful samples, referred by 48 indigenous family service centers located across the whole island and offshore, were collected and analyzed. The results show that the stock of indigenous social capital is rather high, and the degree of satisfaction with the 6 aspects of community building is diverse. The correlation between social capital and community building is also various. In general, the linking social capital contributes the most to community building, followed by bridging social capital. However, bonding social capital produces a negative effect on community building. According to the findings and analyses, we propose five suggestions for building a sustainable community.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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