


Making the Production of a Text Visible: Analyzing the Investigatory Report on "The Tragic Death of Girl Tsao" to Explore the Methodology of Critical Discourse Analysis




鄭怡世(Yi-Shih Cheng)


批判論述分析 ; 方法論 ; 社會工作研究 ; 兒童保護 ; critical discourse analysis ; methodology ; social work research ; child protection




39期(2019 / 06 / 01)


57 - 103






This p aper aims to examine the rationality and methodology of critical discourse analysis (CDA), in seeking to extend its theory and applications for social work research and practice. It is divided into three parts. The first part discusses CDA as an analytical concept founded on phenomenological linguistics claiming the sociality of language; post-structuralism declared speech as a power process, and critical theory asserted the ideology in language, pursuing to understand the relationship between language and social process. The second part examines CDA as a research orientation: how to use phenomenology, hermeneutics and post-structuralism to disclose the meaning-making network and the role of power in texts; how to choose text; and how to analyze the text. In the third part, the investigatory report on the "The Tragic Death of Young Girl Tsao" from the Control Yuan is text used to carry out the steps of CDA analysis obtained above. It also demonstrates how the core-concern of CDA: "how does language figure (this article is a child protection discourse) as an element in the social process (this article consolidates the child protection system in Taiwan)". This paper aims at proposing an alternative perspective regarding knowledge production and research methodology for social work, and enhancing understanding of CDA with greater confidence.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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