


Government Inspections of Children's Welfare Institutions: An Examination of the Current Practice and Future Outlooks




林沛君(Pei-Chun Lin)


兒少安置及教養機構 ; 機構評鑑 ; 安置機構 ; children's home ; inspection of children's home ; residential care




43期(2021 / 06 / 01)


107 - 148






This article examines the current practice regarding government inspections of children's welfare institutions in Taiwan and raises issues for consideration by the government. In so doing, this article refers to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the inspection framework adopted by England, in order to demonstrate that the purpose of inspections is not merely for the government to check that institutions are meeting their legal compliance requirements, but also to drive improvements and enhance outcomes for children and young people. In addition, the article draws on observations gathered during in-depth interviews with workers in children's welfare institutions throughout Taiwan, and with academics working in this field. The aim is to raise the following considerations for future policy or law reforms: (1) in the short-term, introducing a mandatory requirement for inspectors to receive training before they conduct inspections, in order to enhance their understanding of child welfare practices. There is also a need re-think and design a more articulated way for children to participate in these inspections; (2) in the medium term, further government guidance is required, in the form of regulations and directives, concerning the core principles that should inform inspections of children's welfare institutions. There is also a need to enhance the dialogue between inspectors and children's institutions, as well as platforms to enable experiences and good practices to be shared among institutions; and (3) in the longer-term, the government should consider establishing an independent institution to be responsible for inspections of children's welfare institutions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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