


Exploring Occupational Health Hazards and Protection Mechanism in the Disability Welfare Institution: Focus on Educare Givers




尤素芬(Su-Fen You)


身心障礙機構 ; 職業健康危害 ; 風險溝通 ; 教保員 ; 輔具 ; the disability welfare institution ; occupational health hazard ; risk communication ; educare giver ; assistive device




43期(2021 / 06 / 01)


55 - 106






While the work process of caregivers in disability institutions entails numerous occupational health risks, Taiwan's society rarely pays attention to this issue. Based on the case study and qualitative research, this study explores the occupational health hazards, risk communication and protection mechanisms for educare givers in a disability welfare institution. The research institution in this study is an agency located in southern Taiwan, with the focus on the adult department and preschool department. We collected data through participatory observation and in-depth interviews. In terms of the results of the study, the educare givers are threatened by occupational disasters, despite the case institution's history of excellent performance as reflected in its evaluation results. It is also noteworthy that the institutional management attaches great importance to employee health and risk communication. However, the protection mechanism against occupational health hazards apparently has not been effectively implemented. From the perspective of human resources management, some mechanisms of the organization need to be strengthened, including: education and training need to include more topics related to occupational health and safety, health promotion programs should collect occupational injury and disease information, develop the requisite measures to facilitate employees' compliance with health and safety requirements, etc. In addition, the case institution does not even use any transfer device. This study calls for the "No-lift policy" to first be implemented in disability institutions. Faced with the shortage of care workers in disability institutions, we argue that "building a safe and healthy working environment" should be listed as an important item for manpower maintenance. This suggestion is also a response to the international trend of "workplace health promotion" as its core strategy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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