


System debugging? Individual blame? Serious Case Reviews of Child Maltreatment Fatalities in Taiwan




劉淑瓊(Shu-Chiung Liu)


風險管理 ; 兒童虐待 ; 重大兒虐 ; 重大兒虐事件檢討會議 ; 兒童死亡原因回溯分析 ; risk management ; child abuse ; child abuse and neglect fatalities ; Serious Case Reviews (SCRs) ; child death review




44期(2021 / 12 / 01)


1 - 44






Serious child abuse presents an unbearable weight for human rights protection. Serious Case Reviews (SCRs) in child abuse are risk management mechanisms to identify risk factors, facilitate system improvements and correction, and prevent recurrences. This paper reviews domestic and international literature on risk management mechanisms of serious child abuse cases from three dimensions: structure, processes, and outcome. The empirical data, generated by two waves of child protection social workers focus group and interviews, describe, and compare the longitudinal internal and external dynamics of SCRs, patterns of practice, and practitioners' attitude, as well as the potential consequences in Taiwan. Specific recommendations for policies and procedures have been made. The SCRs, at both the local and central government levels, have realized that discussions and decisions were made without sufficient information. Although the perceived finger-pointing and fault-finding culture has decreased, the discussions and resolutions are still focusing on scrutinizing individual social worker's practice, while the system improvement opportunities, such as resources allocation and interagency collaboration, are lost. At the policy level, this paper recommends that the government adopt a holistic approach to examine institutional and systemwide root causes for undesirable outcomes, and develop a plan of action accordingly. At the professional practice level, this paper recommends that cases with specific characteristics be identified and selected each year for a systematic in-depth analysis whose objective is to share the knowledge gained and lessons learned from SCRs with frontline child protection workers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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