


"Why Is It Only Me?": Obedience and Confrontation When Adult Siblings Inherit the Family Caregiver Role




范家源(Gian-Yuan Fan);陳正芬(Chen-Fen Chen)


手足 ; 照顧者 ; 繼承 ; 智障者 ; siblings ; caregivers ; inheritance ; intellectual disability




45期(2022 / 06 / 01)


45 - 88






This study explores the factors that influence families with intellectual disabilities in choosing specific siblings to inherit the main care responsibilities, as well as the coping strategies from the perspective of the main sibling caregiver. Using the in-depth interview method, we interviewed 10 sibling caregivers of patients with intellectual disabilities in nine families. The study has two main findings. First, the interaction of "parents' appointment" and "the gap in the opportunity to participate in care of siblings" is the main reason for the success of the main sibling caregivers. In other words, this gap in opportunity is not innate; it is the long-term close interaction between the parents and their heirs, excluding or ignoring the effects of other siblings. Second, the main sibling caregivers have three coping strategy patterns: most obedient, less confrontational, and rare voices. One of the main sibling caregivers gradually tries to develop their personal resources and knowledge and challenges parental and mainstream societal expectations in an attempt to influence their care fate. We propose three suggestions: First, service organizations can conduct narrative-oriented sibling workshops to help siblings to look back on growth experiences and develop coping strategies that take care of both career planning and care responsibilities, as well as to give them the opportunity to reinterpret and construct new experiences to promote change. Second, the government and organizations can create care arrangement guidelines for encouraging all family members to take part in discussing the intellectually disabled sibling's care plans together and joining the care arrangement, in order to avoid the single inheritance situation. Finally, provide a multivariate caregiver support service program and carry out care transfer planning and support services in advance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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